
How to interpret the product page

This guide will help you navigate our product evaluation page. We have designed these steps to teach you how to interpret our data analysis and build an in-depth understanding of each product’s environmental, social, health and monetary (ESHM) impacts.

Step 1

Start by developing a holistic understanding of the product’s sustainability characteristics from the Impact Indicators Profile. We have measured each product against 18 key metrics. The legend in the bottom left corner indicates performance, ranging from no data to best.

Step 2

Measure the product performance in each of the following categories: Environment, Social, Health and Monetary. The 18 impact indicators align with at least one of these categories and contribute to the overall score.

Step 3

Use the Product Benefit Index to contextualise the sustainability characteristics of your selected product. This feature compares the product against a widely used alternative in the market that is not sustainable.

Step 4

Toggle between icon and list view and develop an understanding of how the product performs against comparable items in our database for each measured indicator.

Step 5

View external information and resources related to the product. Visit the manufacturer listing directly from this page, download the EPD and browse the certificates and ecolabels.

Step 6

Choose between leading green building rating standards and UN SDGs to understand how the product aligns directly and indirectly with each factor. Further your product understanding through our tags which capture additional uniqueproperties of the product.

The next step is to browse our product/material library now that you have a better understanding of how our data analysis is interpreted. 

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