
Features: GIS

What is a Geographic Information System?

A geographic information system (GIS) is software that combines the visualisation of a map with the limitless functionalities of online databases. 

GIS visualises spatial data to a map, integrating all types of descriptive information under one framework. By showing where, which, and to what extent data points are located in a specific area, GIS helps users identify patterns and relationships, improving their awareness of their surroundings.  

Applying technology to the built environment

Integration of construction technologies in building design, such as Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Computer-Aided Design (CAD) has seen a drastic increase in modern times. Since geospatial data is far more accurate and more freely available now compared to the recent past, the conditions for implementing GIS into buildings hold more potential than ever before. Using GIS in the built environment enables the visualisation, analysis, and comparison of possible alternative sites to optimise building performance and increase the project’s stakeholder’s awareness of its surroundings.

How Firstplanit implements GIS?

Figure 1 Firstplanit GIS feature

 Firstplanit has created a unique GIS Dashboard that provides location-aware data visualisation and analytics for operational views of our users, free to use. By inputting the building’s postcode, users will be presented with a novel environmental health risk analysis specific to their geographic location. Air pollution (PM2.5, PM10 and NO2), Noise Pollution (Road, Rail and Aircraft), Urban Heat Island (Overheating) and Flood risk data are all available along with mean annual threshold values for a 200m radius from the examined location. Five bands for every risk were created, with custom increments for each to increase accuracy and maximise safety based on the World’s Health Organization (WHO) guidelines and regional authorities. All these hazards were not available all together ever before and would require expertise and resources to locate and interpret.   


Our tailored Dashboard creates an interactive visualisation of all environmental risks affecting the user’s location and is designed to be easily readable and for everyone to understand. Only by increasing the awareness of your project surroundings you can truly optimise the decision-making processes in material selection. 

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